HGH therapy Sebring , FL - Hormone Harmony Clinic

What is HGH and Why Supplement It

Human growth hormone (HGH) is a vital hormone produced in the pituitary gland that stimulates growth, cell reproduction and regeneration. As we age, HGH levels naturally decline leading to signs of aging and health issues.

Supplementing declining HGH levels can provide an array of benefits:

Diagnosing HGH Deficiency

The first step is to get tested for hgh deficiency. A simple blood test can measure IGF-1 levels – the growth factor released by the liver in response to HGH.

Low IGF-1 accompanied by health complaints can indicate HGH treatment is warranted. A thorough medical history and evaluation will help determine appropriateness of hgh therapy.

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Revitalize your wellbeing with HGH therapy now!

HGH Injection Treatment Protocol

HGH injections are the most common and effective means of growth hormone supplementation. Injection under the skin allows for complete absorption and optimization of hgh levels.

Treatment begins with a low hgh dosage - generally starting at 0.3 to 0.5 mg per day. This is carefully monitored and increased gradually over months based on lab work and patient response.

Finding your minimal effective hgh dose is key for gaining the most benefits long-term from treatment. Follow your practitioner’s recommendation diligently for best results.

Lifestyle and Wellbeing Considerations

Balancing hgh therapy with proper lifestyle helps create an optimal hormonal environment reducing treatment duration. Useful complementary pursuits include:

Diet and Exercise

Stress and Sleep

Lab Testing

- Get follow-up bloodwork on hgh and IGF-1 levels - Check other hormone levels like testosterone - Monitor metabolic health markers

Being proactive with a healthy regime allows hgh therapy to work synergistically revitalizing wellbeing.

Interesting fact

Though often associated with athletes and doping, a majority of prescribed HGH therapy is actually used to treat growth hormone deficiency in children. It helps them reach normal height and development that their bodies cannot naturally produce.


With advancing age, reducing hgh contributes to undesirable effects - loss of strength and energy, decreased immunity and trouble managing weight.

Hgh injections can help turn back time when natural hgh wanes - allowing better health regardless of age. Work closely with an anti-aging practitioner to institute an individualized program meeting your needs and goals.

Take control of your health, supplement HGH.

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